Virtual Offices & Mailbox Rental

The perks of a business mailing address, without the overhead of leasing an office space.

Work from anywhere while still maintaining a professional reputation and a business mailing address in Abbotsford.

*Your free month will be given on your 12th month of membership.


A Business Mailing Address You Don't Have To Be Ashamed Of

Our Virtual Offices in Abbotsford offer your business a small but powerful piece of real estate. 

With over 88% of consumers calling or visiting a business within 24 hours after completing a local Google Search, it's important for your business to have a small piece of commercial real estate that it can call home. 

Backbone's Virtual Office offering provides:

  • An address you can be proud to use for your mail, website and licensing
  • An impressive business mailing address that allows you to book designer boardrooms at that same address
  • Notifications when you receive mail
  • The ability to add VIP mail handling services to scan and send you a copy of your mail
  • Reduce overhead by having a professional address without leasing office space
  • An inexpensive way for start-ups to look professional while still working from home

Limited Time Offer:

Receive One Month Free!*

Receive a free month* when you sign a twelve-month contract.

*Your free month will be given on your 12th month of membership.

What is a Virtual Office?

A virtual office is essentially a mailbox rental service (business post office box, PO Box for short) that can be used to receive business mail and can be used for such things as:

  • Return mailing addresses
  • Google My Business (for ranking on local SEO/maps)
  • Website and email contact mailing address (required for CASL on newsletters and marketing based emails)
  • Professional shared office space for your business to call home for in-person meetings
  • Keeping your home address private
  • Business licensing (provided that it's your primary place of business where you service your clients)

A virtual office may also go by terms such as mailbox rental service, commercial mailing address, business mailing address, business PO box or virtual mailbox.

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What does Backbone's Virtual Office service cost?

Virtual offices start from $60/month.

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Is there a minimum term requirement?

Yes. We ask you to sign on for a one year lease. In exchange for your commitment, we'll give you one month free!

Interested in a coworking membership?

Check out some of our location's featured amenities gallery. From our golf simulator to Nespresso coffee, we know what it takes to impress your clients.

Designer meeting space in Abbotsford, BC
Coworking in the Fraser Valley
Wellness and Mediation Room
Golf simulator meeting room

Reserve Your

Virtual Office

Our community of go-getter entrepreneurs could use another! Shoot us a message if you'd like to be one of them. We'd be happy to answer your questions or give you a tour.

  • Location

    Backbone Coworking & Executive Offices
    104-32615 S Fraser Way
    Abbotsford, BC, V2T 1X8

  • Phone


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